These data sets are released as part of the submission 69, Selecting Stable Safe Configurations for Systems Modelled by Neural Networks with ReLU Activation, to FMCAD 2020 by Franz Brauße, Zurab Khasidashvili and Konstantin Korovin in 2020.

The features CH and Byte are of categorical nature and contain values 0 1 and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, respectively. Timing is an integer feature. All remaining features have been normalized to [0,1]. These data sets each describe a device with parameters i0 to in and output o0.

mu mu_rx.csv.bz2 mu_tx.csv.bz2
h1 h1_rx.csv.bz2 h1_tx.csv.bz2
h1_iter h1_iter_rx.csv.bz2 h1_iter_tx.csv.bz2
m2 m2_rx.csv.bz2 m2_tx.csv.bz2
s2 s2_rx.csv.bz2 s2_tx.csv.bz2

Example of a quantified SMT encoding: rx-rank0-ch0-byte-7.smt2
Such quantified formulas can not be solved by top SMT solvers (Z3, CVC4).
Note that our approach avoids this and uses only quantifier-free calls to SMT solvers.